Pardon my Chinese... but it is true. Chinese have let loose their dogs in India. The dogs do what they do best.. bark... Bark at anything. Spineless, godless and unpatriotic.. their bastions are Kerala and West Bengal, and the forested areas of Andhra and Central India. There are two types of red dogs. One is the public face aka Communist Party in different flavours that we see in the State Assemblies and Parliament and then the gun touting cadres in villages and forest who are driven by guilt that they never got to suck Chairman Mao's cock.
I am sorry that I spew here. But they are bastards. Neither of this country nor of their promised land. Communism as been proved to be the biggest lie of the 20th Century. Yet these bastards continue to screw the nation of their birth. They turn their noses up at faith, organised religion yet talk in terms of communism uniting the world in a kind of "Umma". They are an aberration that puts its faith on a philosophy, which is alien to this country, against free will that drives humanity and its creativity, in a leadership which is foreign, in a violence, that is against our upbringing.
They talk against nuclear issue as it may be used against China, they talk against being closer to Israel and US as it may be used against China, they arrest Tibetans in Kolkatta because they protest against China, they talk about Arunachal Pradesh as a disputed territory.
Unfortunately, except for Shiv Sena, whom I hate just as equally, no one else is willing to stand against these bastards to expose them as liars and traitors. The words from half a century ago "better dead then red" does come to mind. But I think what is called for here.. One give no quarter to the Maoist guerrillas and two, prevent the bureaucrats, politicians and businessmen from giving a raw deal to villagers on many issues, and lastly don't be shy to term communists to be liars and traitors. Tough? Then lets get ready for a long red season.