Monday, December 15, 2008

How far are you willing to go for your dream?

This is actually a review of a movie. The second one back to back. I just wanted to pick out one of the best scenes from another great movie "Gattaca". There is a scene in it that I have watched over and over again. The scene contains the theme and the heart of this really good flick.

How far would you be willing to go to achieve you dreams? How much of yourself are you willing to loose?

Movie is set in a future of designer babies. Every child is an offspring of what is best in each of his parents. Genetically transmitted diseases such as heart problems, diabetes etc are non-existent. Further, the state is able to use the genetic information to decide who would be better sportsman, a scientist or an astronaut. Into this mix is our hero Vincent, who is not genetically designed and is born with a weak heart. His dream is to go to space. But this is impossible. The state would not allow him to enter into the space program with his weak heart. His brother, correct in every genetic sense makes it to be a policeman. Vincent runs away from home to fulfill his dream. He gets help from another would be astronaut, who is confined to his wheel chair as a result of an accident. Together, they pull an impersonation so that Vincent can enter the space program. Story continues, the deadline for the launch approaches. There is a murder at the space center. The brother comes to investigate and catches the murderer. But there is one person, he has not been able to interview throughout his investigation, who has avoided him - Vincent.

The brothers meet. The policeman understands the fraud that Vincent is pulling. The two argue. Vincent tells him that he is no less of a man because of his genetic makeup. Vincent reminds his brother of the day when he had to rescue him during a swimming contest. The dare was to see who can swim out the farthest before turning back. Vincent had always lost, except for that last time. He won and also had to rescue his brother. It was after this incident that Vincent left home.

The two decide on a rematch. Once more they swim way out to the sea. Vincent is not stopping and keeps going further. His brother is exhausted and unable to swim more.

"Vincent, Vincent, where is the shore? We are too far out"

"You want to quit?"

"We are too far out!!"

"You want to quit?"



"Vincent. How are you doing this? How have you done any of this?!"

"You want to know how I am doing it? This is how I did it. I never saved anything for the swim back!!"


Another Mel Gibson directed movie. And again, he courted controversy with some groups over his portrayal of ancient Mayans. It is pretty good movie. I wont say great. Great movies are those you watch again and again. I wont be watching this anytime soon. Well except for the scenes with Dalia Hernández (pictured above). There is much violence in this movie. If you can stomach it, you got yourself a decent movie about a different time, set in a primitive and alien culture. In a broad sense it is a story about love, courage and resilience. But there is much happening in the background, you tend to miss out on the storyline till movie ends.

I was told that there is a lot of action in this movie. I did not find much in terms of action. I found more of violence. I know it sounds strange. For example I found "Last of the Mohicans" to be more action packed and contain less violence. I guess what I am saying is there is less in terms of synchronized fighting with an accompanying background score, which would had us in the groove. With movies like Transporter series or Wesley Snipes' or Jackie Chan's, you come out of the theatre feeling you can throw a punch. You don't feel the same with all the beheading and pulling out of hearts from live men.

Friday, December 12, 2008

BJP's answer to the terror attacks

They have lot of ideas these guys. They must have. They are the poster child for all domestic and international terror groups. They demolished the Babri Masjid. They maimed and killed in Gujarat. This is what every terror recruiting agent uses to motivate and send out its men.

Before the Mumbai attacks, they went on and on about protecting motorcycle riding and bat wielding "Sadhvi". That lost them the election in 3 states and voter allegiance. In his speech in Parliament, Advani said - "it is our loss not the congress's win". He got that right.

You cannot play save the Hindu terrorist card during elections. That is hitting too close to home for any Hindu. Babri Masjid - Ram Janmbhumi combine, Hindu marginalisation, yeah, it got them the votes in the outset. Public view is - Yes to Ram Temple, yes to our traditions. Oh the demolition? That was not us. That was bad politicians or hoodlums. Not us. "Ali Bhai, don't look at me like that. I have been your neighbour for years. It was not me." Asking the public to support "Sadhvi" led terrorists? No!! That is definitely not us. For a party that has built itself on the basis on Hindu revivalist ideology, they seem to lack understanding of the basic philosophy which has kept Hinduism alive despite its million plus gods!! This philosophy is written into our history, our upbringing and our blood. It is the acceptance that life is about finding our way to god. And that includes all paths.

Nothing can break and destroy this country more than home grown terror like that which is led by BJP's ideology or regionalism like Raj Thackerays or that idiot Bhukari out at Jama Masjid etc. Let the government fight Pakistan to prevent attacks from across the border. We need to tell our terrorists "enough is enough" and make sure they get the picture in words or bricks.

Saturday, November 15, 2008

Better to have been loved...

This posted has been moved.

Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Bangalore's "CITY" tag

Is Bangalore a city? This is an open question to all of us. Do you feel like you are in a city?

Things that put the "scoff" in Bangalore city,

1. No rapid transport system. It takes 45 mins to journey from Andheri to Churchgate, a distance of 20+ kms. It takes a bloody hour to reach Majestic from outer ring road, a distance of between 8-12 kms.

2. Pray that our Chief Minister is able to source and buy power for us. We have daily power outages for 2 hours plus.

3. We have water shortages in a place where it rains every other month and then some.

4. We don't have a night life. Bars and restaurants close by 11.30. If you still want to hang out late night beware of "nakabandi".

5. Dancing is not allowed. There are no discotheques.

6. You cant find a cheap hotel in the city around Rs. 500/-. Yes, there are a couple but thats' only in Shivaji Nagar.

7. If you are waiting for a bus after 9.30. Prepare for a frustrating 2 hour wait and journey back home. Finding buses at that "late an hour" is difficult.

8. If you are relying on returning by auto after 9.30, get ready to be fucked by CITU card carrying autowallas.

9. Bangalore is a pricey. Most other cities are pricey only when in comes to accommodation. Bangalore is pricey in terms of food, shelter and travel. I have traveled by auto, suburban train and auto again to reach home in Mumbai for less than Rs.30 at 1 am.

10. One of the reasons for the higher price is cost of fuel. We pay more for our fuel then any other city in India.

Is Bangalore is city? Based on population size, may be. But it is a dumb idea to put so many people in place which is not geared to meet their needs.

Monday, November 10, 2008

The Egg vs Chicken story... Which came first?

It is a pet theory of mine. I worked it out way back in pre-university days.

Using the theory of evolution and natural selection which CBSE was teaching us – I tried to figure out which came first the Chicken or the Egg. Since none of us were alive to watch the first egg being hatched or the first chicken laying an egg – we go out on a limb with a few assumptions. Man came from Apes, Tigers from Saber-tooths, elephants from the wholly mammoth etc. Lets say the chicken came from hot-lips chicks (yes, disturbing imagery). These were very similar to modern day chickens but these chickens did not have beaks. As a result we cannot call them chickens.

Now it was difficult for these beakless animals to look for food in the tiny holes on the ground. As a result, their numbers were low. Generation after generation, some of these beakless animals’ mouths got calloused. This is a result of aberration in its genes which is still a recessive trait. An individual gets one gene from each of the parents to form a pair. Off the pair usually one is dominant over the other to various degrees. For the color of our skin – 3 pairs of genes decide our skin tone. However, all the skin tone genes carry same weight. Coming back to our calloused friends. They fair better than rest of their lot. As their number increase, the gene pool for this calloused trait increases leading to this recessive trait forming both genes in the pair. This leads to the growth of the early beak in the new hatchling.

The Chicken and the Egg Story – seen above, the arrival of the modern chicken by whatever timeline and sequence begins at the conception. The bringing together of requisite genetic material. The chicken as we know it followed.

Thus, the Egg came first.

Footnote :
I tried to contact these guys in Nottigham University after reading the article in 2006 but never got a reply.

Friday, October 24, 2008

You want a Drink with that?

That reminds. I cant get drunk. I can get close but I cant get drunk. I have a 2-3 drink limit. 2 drinks is half a bottle of quarter - half a quarter or 1/8th. And I cant have a kingfisher bottle of beer faster than 45mins- 1 hour.

Not that theoretically, I cant get drunk. I can! Yes, I am conterdicting myself. But I got two shots of tequilas in me (there was nothing else at home!! And it is raining outside!!!) and I am wiser now. It is just that after crossing my alcohol threshold, I feel woozy and dizzy and it is not a happy place. The 3 times I have gone too far past, I have forced stuff out with a finger pushed deep into my mouth, had a banana (cant go to sleep in an empty stomach) and woke up fresh as a blue bird.. a male blue bird... I hear they are feisty and horny all the time.

I just wanted the record to be set straight.

The funky Bangalore Weather

Bangalore can be so cold that you need a sweater, so warm that you need to be in a sweat shirt and so wet that you come home drenched.... all in the same day. I have taken to looking up satellite photos on to figure out what to expect these days.

Some of my readers (or reader.. he happens to be my best friend) may think I blogged about the weather because there is nothing else to talk about.. kind of like "so how about the weather these days". NOT TRUE!! Not totally anyway. I had been subjected to repeated bouts of headaches and sniffles. I have been totally drenched thrice this week. I have good reason to blog!!!

Here is a good remedy that worked the last time to ward of headache. I had a shot of tequila (at 6pm) when I reached home drenched.

Sunday, October 12, 2008

To convert or not to convert.

Funny thing on news these days.. apparently we Hindus are are going out to reconvert converts!! Wow.. really? Can we convert into Hindu? When I was young, I accepted that I was born Hindu and that the cute Ganesh was savior. Today, I except the term Hindu to mean partly my ancient Indian culture, the way in which I pray (that includes praying inside the church with folded hands), traditions, the mythological stories and the philosophy of - for want of a better word - Hinduism, which is written in Vedas and summarized in the Bhagwath Gita.

For most Hindus being a Hindu stops at traditions. Few understand the philosophy of the Vedas / Bhagwath Gita, which describes nature of the universe and ourselves. If you were to ask group of 10 Hindus - how many have read the Gita? Hardly, a couple of hands would go up. Most don't even know that Gita is a part of the story of Mahabharata. On the other hand, most would have read the Bible. It is easy to read. It is available in English and most Indian languages. There are many people who will help you read it. You get to hear it in popular Movies, TV shows and specialized channels. It has stories and a simple message of peace and forgiveness and acceptance of Christ as your saviour. Hindu stories are abound but their message and philosophy does not come through in these and the traditions listed in them are found to be outdated for our modern age.

There does exist a forward movement by many fringe christian groups to actively push their faith / religion on others. You see it in Hospitals when they come to pray by your bed side, in their prayer meetings where they invite you, in subtle exchanges in charity movements, in provision of favour etc. and the outright talk of "Power of christian prayer" and questions of why we don't accept Christ as our savior. It exists. It happens. Having said that I must once again stress 'FRINGE GROUPS'. I study in a Christian College run by Roman Catholic Priests, where "Sri Maha Ganapathim" is sung as easily as a Christian Prayer song and every student is treated same regardless of their religion.

BUT CONVERSION DOES NOT EXIST IN HINDUISM!!!! Hell we don't know much about it to talk. And it cant because there is NO HINDU RELIGION. It is just a label placed upon us by people of other religions. There have been attempts to broadly classify religions such as Hinduism as animist against those borne of the holy texts in Mediterranean and Middle East. This is again going out of our way to over simplify Hinduism. It cant be done.

Seeing Hindus convert into other faiths sometimes makes me feel down. I feel number of people who do things the way I do may be reducing. A part of me wants to ask them to read the Gita (NOT ISKCON FUNNY VERSION!!!!) before converting. But this identification with my "fellow Hindus" goes against what I know about my faith. Gita is not for the faint of heart, the closed mind or the unquestioning character. You must be ready to question yourself, the world around you and the book, which is full of ambiguities. I don't know what each of you will get from that. What I got is a faith that I identify as my own which goes beyond idols, temples and agarbhatis, an understanding with almighty that is personal and a path that I am too afraid to follow.

I called myself a Hindu when I was young, leaned towards Christianity in my teens, became atheist for a short time and then I read the Gita. It is good book. I treat it as a holy relic. I don't think it is. I shouldn't mind using it as a foot rest. It is made up of paper pulp and has a publisher and a commentary that sees it from the view point of a Swami Chidbhavananda. Still I treat it as a holy relic and it never leaves my bed side table. Chubby Ganesha remains my savior and Krishna locket is constantly around my neck. You don't get it? You don't have to. I do. This is my faith. And I cant convert you to it.

Friday, October 10, 2008

Coffee and Sympathy

I attended Meenakshi Madhavan Reddy's reading at the Reliance TimeOut Bookstore. She was on the Bangalore leg of her book tour. Unfortunately, missed her talk. I don't think she is famous yet. I mean she was on time and finished on time and I was late. I thought she would come late... I mean come on.. this is BANGALORE!!! Everyone who is anyone comes late.

I had assumed that her book was an extension of her blog. But it is a fictional work and priced to compete with the pirated books sold at MG road. I have not brought it yet. I wanted to buy it when I would be in a position to finish reading it in a week. Later thought it could be a good birthday gift but I don't know. I mean I was trying to figure out if it was a good book for a 19 year old girl? Now I find myself wishing that I did buy it. I could have got her to sign it with a Happy Birthday message. That would have been cool.

I think people enjoyed her talk (which I missed) and the pile of books behind her had grown smaller by the time I left.

Thursday, October 9, 2008

I would rather have Congress loose than win with Amar Singh

After Ms. Jayalalitha, Ms. Uma Bharathi, Ms. Mayawati, Ms. Mamata Banerjee... we give you MR. AMAR SINGH. This wonderful and energetic old man has a bag full of tricks. He is so ready conterdict himself that pundits (I call them pundits bcoz I don't know who they are but I am sure they exist) have said that he has already contradicted himself over statements he is going to make for the next 6 months.

The man is a mystery - where does his money come from, who listens to who in Samajwadi Party, how much of what he says is not a bold-faced lie, will the Bachchan family ever go on anywhere without him?

The latest in the steady stream of stupid from this guy is the claim that the hero of Delhi Police was shot by his own men and that terrorists holed up in the flat were innocent. Source of his information? He did not need any. I quote whoever wrote this about Amar Singh on

"Amar Singh has also supported the 2 Terrorists killed in a Shootout with the Delhi Police in September 2008. Since his party enjoyed a good minority vote bank, Amar Singh has seen a bigger opportunity to capture vote share by resorting to this National Shame policy of supporting murderers and calling them innocent. Even though the shootout in Delhi claimed the life of a Delhi Police officer, Amar Singh has degraded morally in accusing the police force."

Sunday, October 5, 2008

Why have the Nano, when you have Trams

Everyone knew. It was too early for Bengal. The state has been in a virtual shutdown in terms of Industry and business ever since communist takeover. The state until very recently was the only one in India to have rickshaw pullers. It is not surprising. The communist promise of heaven on earth is one of the biggest lies of 20th century. Of the three remaining communist dictatorships (Peoples Democratic... yeah right!), two are surviving on donors and one has had embrace free market reforms to surge ahead (turning communist doctrine on its head).

Ms. Mamta Benerjee is not a communist but she is the end result of 30 years of communist rule in Bengal. Anything somebody has, is the reason you did not get it. Forget that you never worked for it. Somebody has to be blamed. While the blame is just "playing politics" in any vibrant democracy, for the communist life begins with a blame. When they cannot find anyone to blame in India, United States is readily available. Ofcourse, they have everything we don't have. I wish they had our communists and we didn't.

Communist call foul over Benerjee's strikes. Forgetting that the ruling government Bengal has shutdown its own state several times. They have thrown the spanner at everything - every reform, every industry, every new idea... hell I am sure somewhere in the country they have thrown a spanner at a factory making the spanner. Ok, thats a bit of exaggeration. They were happy about massive pay hike to government officers, without changing terms of their employment - cannot be terminated, convicted by Lokyukta.. the list goes on.

Mind you, Mamta is no lady. Far from it. In the end she has screwed herself by hurting the farmers and workers who were relying on the Nano project, she has hurt her traditional urban constituency and Bengal in general. CPI has hurt Bengal by not being honest and open with public regarding the Nano project and with Nandigram.

West Bengal has to face more hardships before it can become better. This virus of communist ideology has to take a real beating before the people give up it and start to do an honest day's work.

Tuesday, September 30, 2008

The 700 Billion Dollar itch

Derivative trading has sucked the air out of America. Every billionaire on wall street as got his media crew jumping up and down at the evil house owners, who had the audacity to not repay their high interest sub prime loan to built a house they could call their own. But nobody wants to talk about how these risky loans got financed in the first place. Home loans are just a part of the much wider network of derivative trading. It is what gave the Banks and investors the courage to fool around in high risk sub prime lending. 8 years of the current President's rule is coming to an end. Americans saw tax breaks for the rich and less regulation on how they earn money. This is what they got in return. Derivative trading cannot be stopped. This is just my two cents here so go ahead and correct me if I am wrong. You can start staggering and regulating the derivative market till it eventually comes to a halt (if that is something that can be done).

Some analysts say the derivative market is several times the GNP of all the nations in the world. I may not be an economist but if something is priced more than its value, pretty soon people will stop buying it. Then its price will crash. I think it will crash several billions below the GNP of all the the nations in the world.

Incidentally.. I say "incidentally" because it seems too stupid to take it seriously.. there is an $700 Billion bailout package for these institutions. Wow! That was fast!! It was only last week that these institutions collapsed. The Bush Government has improved. Remember when they said they don't have money for healthcare, levees in New Orleans, education reform etc?

Thursday, September 25, 2008

The Indian Democracy

The Indian experience of Democracy is going through its toughest test till date. There have been many times in the past where Indian Democracy was tested. Problems with the Princely states, Hindi as a national language, regional succession campaigns - Tamil Nadu (oh yes... note the name Tamil Nation), Punjab, Assam, Kashmir (still going), life after Nehru's death, the Emergency, etc. All of these were limited to government, governance and politicians and were limited in their reach.

Today, our democracy faces :-

1. Radicalization of Hinduism (.. who could of thought that could ever happen), Islam and imported evangelists (it begins at your doorstep with "we want to talk to you about world peace") etc. The last time communal tension was this high was when Hari Prasad and Mohammed Ali insulted each other at the border at the time of independence. Today the Bajrang Dal and RSS have a national movement with no one to question them. Many Indian Muslims have found it easier to identify with Arabs and their causes than their own countrymen.

2. Rampant corruption in bureaucracy, politics and judiciary - in the order of origin (no! politicians did not start it). Check your history.

3. Trampling of the right to freedom of expression. The great justices of Madurai High Court loose no time in registering cases against those who exercise freedom of expression. Right to freedom is the backbone on which democracies are built. It is wonder that these justices are not aware of this.

These above problems are not limited to government / politicians, a particular section of the population, region etc. It is all around us now.

This is make or break moment for our nation. In the next few years, we will know if our nation stands united or disintegrates entirely.

Monday, September 22, 2008


Ok, I realise that this is my second same-sex themed movie review. But in my defense, (i) the previous one was about lesbians... so I am going to use "its a guy thing" card to count it out
(ii) I was looking for the American movie named Taboo.

I have never seen a movie like this. Set in medieval Japanese Army camp, a young recruit (see him above) upsets the mundane goings on at the camp. That is the official synopsis. If you ask me, there is a geisha joint next door to the camp to cater to these lonely soldiers. If these guys are getting enticed by the recruit, they were swinging their monkeys the other way long before he came in.

Anyway, the guy turns out to be a slut and sleeps with a couple of guys and one gets murdered. There is an inquiry. I think the investigator also sleeps with the recruit. No, I have not given off any interesting bits or the end of the movie. I could not understand the ending!! And as per IMDB, neither could a lot of people.

PS :- If you were at a Kabuki play with your Geisha, would you be able to tell the difference between players and her?

Sunday, September 14, 2008

Dus Ka Dumb Show

This highly rated show on Sony is one of the most moronic shows on TV. I wish I could say more but to do so, would be give it more credit than it already has thanks to its undiscerning audience.

Friday, September 12, 2008

Jon Steward - The Daily Show

Those of you, who have never seen this show.. my advice.. SEE IT!! It is not just a laugh riot the way of David Letterman, Jay Leno or our own Cyrus. It is an intelligent look at news makers of the week. Nothing escapes it. The US politician differs from the Indian in his suaveness and his command of English (albeit American English). The Daily Show does not let the politicians and the opinion makers in the newsrooms from getting away with their double standards and half baked ideas for the country.

The Daily Show is US centric, but that does not stop us from enjoying the show and learning something from it. When we see our newsreaders on NDTV, CNN-IBN, Headlines Today etc going from newsreaders to pushing their opinions onto us or plugging a story till it is blue on screen, we remember the Daily Show. When we see our politicians shift positions almost every hour, sleep with their enemies at the first sign of favours, or jump on top of any issue that could show their opponents in the poor light or cause trouble, we remember the Daily Show.

It is not enough to know that something happened or something was said. We must also understand why it happened and why it was said AND WHY IT GOT REPORTED. Become aware.

Monday, September 8, 2008

Meenakshi Reddy Madhavan

Saw this girl's interview on CNN-IBN, where she was talking about her book and her blog. Apparently, she has been blogging for years about her life. She talks about everything including family and friends, work, woman's issues, politics, love life, sex life etc. Having seen the show.. she does look pretty (not in this photo), I decided to visit her blog, the Compulsive Confessor. After an initial read around the posts flagged with "sex and dating", I gave the rest of the posts a thorough read. Her posts are funny and entertaining. I do find her trumpeting every now and then about her drinking habits, parties (pahtays), sex life (sometimes feels like somebody else's experience quoted as her own) etc. That's ok really. We are all allowed to say we caught a bigger fish than we did. After all, it makes the story more exciting, doesn't it? They enjoy it, you enjoy it, so whats wrong... anyway ok upto a point (Example :- "I caught Moby Dick" is not on!!)

A lot of people criticise her work and say it reads like a softcore porn. She is quite temperamental for a journalist / writer... one post called her many critics "Trolls" with nothing better to do. I don't think her posts are softcore (I would know). It is a girl's blog. If a girl was open and did not feel threatened to speak her mind, her blog would read like this to varying degrees both up and down.

The idea for the blog and her just released book, "You Are Here" may be a copy of Bridget Jones' Diary (Bollywood is famous for this... and the girl is from Mumbai) but the contents are original and hers.

Monday, July 7, 2008

The Matrix - Transcribed so that it is understood.

Neo and the Architect’s famous dialogue

: Hello Neo.

Neo : Who are you?

Architect : I am the architect. I created the Matrix. I have been waiting for you. You have many questions. Although the process has altered your consciousness, you remain irrevocably human. Ergo, some of my answers you will understand and some you will not.

Concordantly, while your first question may be the most pertinent, you may or may not realize it is also the most irrelevant.

Neo : Why am I here?

Architect : Your life is the sum of a remainder of an unbalanced equation, (Images in the monitors changes. Shows people in different activities) inherent to the programming of the Matrix.

You are the eventuality of an anomaly which despite my sincerest efforts… I have been unable eliminate from what is otherwise a harmony of mathematical precision.

While it remains a burden assiduously avoided, it is not unexpected and thus, not beyond a measure of control, which has led you inexorably here.

Neo : You haven’t answered my question.

Architect : Quite right. Interesting. That was quicker than the others.

Neos (in the Monitors) : Others? How many? What others? (Neos in Monitor going crazy)

Architect : The matrix is older than you know. I count from the emergence of one integral anomaly to the emergence of the next. In which case, this is the sixth version.

Neos (going crazier in the monitors) : Five before me? You are lying. Bullshit.

Neo (Our Neo) : There are only two possible explanations. There were 5 before me. Either no one told me or no one knows.

Architect : Precisely.

As you are undoubtedly gathering, the anomaly is systemic… creating fluctuations in even the most simplest equations.

Neos (really mad now) : You can’t control me!! I am gonna smash you to bits!!! You can’t make me do anything. You old, white prick!!!!

Neo (Ours is very calm) : Choice. The problem is choice.

(Trinity is getting into trouble. Our Neo is unaware of this)

Architect : The first matrix, I designed was naturally perfect, a work of art. Flawless, sublime. A triumph equaled only by its monumental failure.

The inevitability of its doom is apparent now… as a consequence of the imperfection inherent in every human. Thus, I redesigned it based on your history… to more accurately reflect the varying grotesqueries of your nature.

However, I was again frustrated by failure. (pause and deep breath)

I have come to understand that the answer eluded me because it required a lesser mind. Or perhaps a mind less bound by the parameters of perfection.

Thus, the answer was stumbled upon by another, an intuitive program… initially created to investigate certain aspects of the human psyche. If I am the father of the Matrix, she would undoubtedly be its mother.

Neo : The Oracle.

Architect : Please. As I was saying, she stumbled upon a solution whereby 99 percent of the subjects accepted the program, as long as they were given a choice even if they were only aware of the choice at a near conscious level.

While this answer functioned, it was fundamentally flawed. Thus creating the otherwise contradictory systemic anomaly that if left unchecked, might threaten the system.

Ergo, those that refused the program, while a minority if unchecked would constitute an escalating probability of disaster.

Neo : This is about Zion.

Architect : You are here because Zion is about to be destroyed. Its every living inhabitant terminated, its entire existence eradicated.

Neo : Bullshit.

Architect : Denial is the most predictable of all human responses.

But rest assured, this will be the sixth time, we have destroyed it and we have become exceedingly efficient at it.

(Trinity is in serious trouble)

The function of the One now is to return to the source, allowing the dissemination of the code you carry, reinserting the prime program. After which you will be required to select from the Matrix 23 individuals – 16 females, 7 males, to rebuild Zion.

Failure to comply with this process will result in a cataclysmic system crash. Killing everyone connected to the Matrix, which coupled with the extermination of Zion, will result in the extinction of the entire human race.

Neo : You won’t let it happen. You can’t. You need human beings to survive.

Architect : There are levels of survival, we are prepared to accept.

The relevant issue is whether or not you are ready to accept the responsibility for the death of every human being in this world.

It is interesting reading your reactions.

Your 5 predecessors were by design based on a similar predication. A contingent affirmation that was meant to create a profound attachment to the rest of your species, facilitating the function of the one. While others experience this in a general way, your experience is far more specific. Vis-à-vis Love.

(Trinity is getting thrown out of the window in the monitors)

Neo : Trinity!!!

Architect : Apropos, she entered the Matrix to save your life at the cost of her own.

Neo : No.

Architect : Which brings us at last to the moment of truth, wherein the fundamental flaw is ultimately expressed and the anomaly is revealed as both the beginning and the end.

There are 2 doors.

The door to your right leads to the source and the salvation of Zion. The door to your left leads back to the matrix, to her and the end of your species.

As you so adequately put, the problem is choice. But we already know what you are going to do, don’t we?

Already I can see the chain reaction, the chemical precursors that signal the onset of an emotion designed specifically to overwhelm logic and reason.

An emotion that is blinding you from the simple and obvious truth.

She is going to die and there is nothing you can do to stop it.

(Neo moves to the left door)

Architect : Hope. It is the quintessential human delusion, simultaneously the source of your greatest strength and your greatest weakness.

Neo : If I were you, I would hope that we don’t meet again.

Architect : We wont.

(Neo leaves thru the left door and saves Trinity. Architect and Neo never meet again.)


Anomaly : (noun) irregular, abnormal thing.

Apropos : (adjective) 1. to the point or purpose. 2. (adverb) incidentally.

Architect : (noun) Designer of building and ships.

Assiduous : (adjective) persevering, diligent.

Concordance : (noun) agreement; index of words used by author in book esp. Bible.

Ergo : (adverb) therefore.

Grotesque : 1. (adjective) comically or repulsively distorted; incongruous, absurd. 2 (noun) decoration interweaving human and animal forms with foliage; comically distorted figure or design.

Inexorable : (adjective) relentless.

Intuition : (noun) immediate apprehension by mind without reasoning. Immediate insight.

Irrevocable : (adjective) unalterable; gone beyond recall.

Neo : (in combination) New.

Quintessential : (adjective) purest form or manifestation of some quality etc.; highly refined extract.

Monday, June 30, 2008

Saving Face - Joan Chen, Michelle Krusiec & Lynn Chen (my favourite)

Saw "Saving Face" today. I had caught a bit of it before on HBO but did not get to see it properly. Downloaded it. Fantastically funny and cute movie. It had me laughing in most places and smiling through the rest. IMDB describes the movie's plot as "A Chinese-American lesbian and her traditionalist mother are reluctant to go public with secret loves that clash against cultural expectations"

That description is correct. But before you tag it as just an other lesbian / gay movie. You should see it. I have not seen many gay / lesbian movies that I remember except for things Debbie did with her girlfriend in Dallas (good "movie" too).

I loved Saving Face.. it was different and sweet.

"Krishna Menon was a Bachelour, just like his father"

It was a comment from one of our Generals about the most infamous Minister of Defence that India has had. He was a bureaucrat, a diplomat and then the Minister of Defence. People who remember him remember as the most useless human being who got to stay and stand tall bcoz he knew how to kiss ass.

There are more like him in today's Congress. Old guys, who kindle familiarity and loyalty to The family, to stay in power. It is difficult to enumerate what they lack... there are far too many things wrong with them. Before signing off, I will list the number 1 in the list Character.

Congress (I am a congress voter) has to drop these guys before it can grow a spine to support it in the coming elections. Otherwise, it is screwed.. and this time for good.

Sunday, June 29, 2008

BMTC - Par for the course

Took a Bangalore Metropolitan Transportation Corporation (BMTC) bus tour of the city. The BMTC offers a full day pass for Rs. 30/-. Wanted to see how much of the city, I could cover in about 8-10 hours. Not a bad service. Reached the International airport in about 1 hour 15 mins. The normal BMTC bus does not take you right upto the airport. It stops at along the main road from where they operate a shuttle buss service for R.10/- to the airport. Service is ok. But if you are carrying luggage you need to travel by the special and dedicated bus which cost upwards from Rs. 80/- and above with Taxi drop to the designated bus stops extra at Rs. 100/-. The airport is nice looking but dead. No crowd mostly empty. Unlike airports like Dubai international which sees a plane taking off every 3 minutes. BIAL does look like a middle airport though... sits alone is an open dusty land. High dusty winds finish the picture.

Took a total of 15 buses to cover BIAL, Majestic, Banshankri, Silk Board, K.R. Puram and White field. For those of you, who have not visited Bangalore, those points make up the major extremes of Bangalore. I did miss Kengeri (Bangalore University) in the south west corner. But I had already visited that place this week and there is not much to see there.

Point to note.. if you are at silk board never visit Total Mall. Badly placed and lousy maintenance and staff.

Saturday, June 28, 2008

Yes Minister / Yes Prime Minister

Broadband and Bittorrent are god given tools to overcome bad programming on Cable TV. Downloaded all the seasons of Yes Minister and Yes Prime Minister. The show is one of the most brilliantly funny series to come from BBC. Paul Eddington plays the Minister / Prime Minister while Oscar nominated (for madness of King George) Nigel Hawthorne plays his Permanent Secretary.

I have read the books too. Books are funnier. They have got letters queries by the Minister in the margins and subsequent evasive and incomprehensible replies by the Secretary etc which reminded me about my own office and how closely the series recreates the way government functions.

I first saw this series when I was 10 years old, when I did not follow English very well. But I did manage to understand some of the jokes. Saw it again years later.. it blew me away.

It is still funnier than most sitcoms that are on TV.

Holy Cow by Sarah MacDonald

Read it over the week. An ok a book. Light reading. Written by an Australian Radio host about her stay and travels in India, while living with and marrying ABC's reporter. It is her account of her stay. Filled with some funny anecdotes and comments. Not an all together true account :) . Aah for that read V.S. Naipaul. If you can that is... A bit too honest .. he is a keen observer. Sarah on the other hand tries to be nice to every religion she meets in India and Pakistan. She is hard on Parsis and overly accommodating about others. I think she did not want to go into hiding like Salman Rushdie. Overall it is a travel account and lightly entertaining.

Indian leader fades away.. no one to take his place.

Field Marshal Sam Manekshaw faded away. His "state funeral" was not attended by the head of state and our bureaucracy the President, not by our very well educated Prime Minister, not by the Service chiefs of an army which is fast turning into a branch of the administrative services, and not by senior members of the administrative services. The Field Marshal has led the nation and the army through some of the most crucial moments of the nation's history. He leaves no one to take his place.

Point to note :-
The former President Abdul Kalam had visited the Field Marshal in the hospital, when the later was admitted in 2005.

Thursday, June 26, 2008

China, Communists and their dogs in India

Pardon my Chinese... but it is true. Chinese have let loose their dogs in India. The dogs do what they do best.. bark... Bark at anything. Spineless, godless and unpatriotic.. their bastions are Kerala and West Bengal, and the forested areas of Andhra and Central India. There are two types of red dogs. One is the public face aka Communist Party in different flavours that we see in the State Assemblies and Parliament and then the gun touting cadres in villages and forest who are driven by guilt that they never got to suck Chairman Mao's cock.

I am sorry that I spew here. But they are bastards. Neither of this country nor of their promised land. Communism as been proved to be the biggest lie of the 20th Century. Yet these bastards continue to screw the nation of their birth. They turn their noses up at faith, organised religion yet talk in terms of communism uniting the world in a kind of "Umma". They are an aberration that puts its faith on a philosophy, which is alien to this country, against free will that drives humanity and its creativity, in a leadership which is foreign, in a violence, that is against our upbringing.

They talk against nuclear issue as it may be used against China, they talk against being closer to Israel and US as it may be used against China, they arrest Tibetans in Kolkatta because they protest against China, they talk about Arunachal Pradesh as a disputed territory.

Unfortunately, except for Shiv Sena, whom I hate just as equally, no one else is willing to stand against these bastards to expose them as liars and traitors. The words from half a century ago "better dead then red" does come to mind. But I think what is called for here.. One give no quarter to the Maoist guerrillas and two, prevent the bureaucrats, politicians and businessmen from giving a raw deal to villagers on many issues, and lastly don't be shy to term communists to be liars and traitors. Tough? Then lets get ready for a long red season.

Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Bangalore University.

This University is supposed to be the pride of Karnataka education system. However, this institution spread over an entire section of Bangalore Map, lacks lustre. Most people don't know where it it. Many believe it to be one of its satellite offices in the city. Successive governments have brickered over the choice of VC, courted conterversies.

Went to the university for buying an application. It is on the way to Mysore. The best way to get there is to head towards the City Market, go over the elevate road towards Mysore. Follow the road all the way, I counted around 3-4 signals before we reach the University Gate. Cant miss it. Big circle-cum sign board, the road leads under the southern railway line. You can get there by bus too from Shivajinagar, Majestic or City Market. I think there are about 3-5 buses stops within the university grounds. The Centre of the university is the Jnana Bharathi (Main Administrative office).

This was my second visit to the Unversity. The last visit put me off drinking coffee at the canteen. Saw monkeys stick their tongue down used glasses of coffee and plates.. licking them clean. I don't know if they (canteen) cleaned the glasses after.

It is a massive institution and does its job for most of the colleges in Karnakata. I usually try and get my younger fellow students interested in visiting the University atleast once. Just to see the place. The reality is ... It is large, most of its grounds are empty and barren, dry as the African grass lands during drought, an unhelpful and sick little extension of state government offices.

Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Visvesvaraya Industrial and Technological Museum

I must have been less than 10 years old, when I first visited the Visvesvaraya Industrial and Technological Museum in Bangalore. I visited it again today. Nice. Not much for me to do.. A few interesting items on display. A replica of the wright brother's plane, a huge network of rails through which plastic balls are constantly sent like a roller coaster, 3-D movie theatre experience was pretty decent etc. But the museum was more for the kids. More of adults though. The kids were excited and pushy. The adults were pushy and rude. Kids must have got it from someone. I never got to check how much I weighed as a large family hogged that exhibit . It our weight and flooded a large glass pillar with water to show how much of our body was water.

Anyway, overall the experience was decent. The museum had ofcourse changed since I last visited. There was only one item that I remembered from my last visit. Lots of interactive stuff lying around for young and old. Entrance was Rs. 10/- and the movie show was Rs. 20/-

Monday, June 23, 2008


If you thought private Banks in India are giving government banks a run for their money in terms of products and services, think again.

Case point - HDFC. My first hand experience with HDFC Bank includes being told that none of their branches Karnataka accepts Ration Card (with photo) issued by Karnataka Government as ID proof for opening accounts. If you were to deposit money into your HDFC account from another HDFC branch.. there is a service charge of Rs.100 even if the branch is just 5 Kms from your branch. I have so far spent 20 days and Rs.1000/- plus to open a joint account. The other account holder has already signed and submitted completed form to the Bank. But they don't believe their account holder, they don't believe in Karnataka Government and they now need a new application if we are going to submit a newly issued PAN Card (applied for especially for the great HDFC account). Unfortunately the other account holder is not in the country and when he returns there will be no reason to apply for the joint account.

Fuck HDFC!!!! Is all I can think of. Not going back to that shit hole. "Government undertaken" Bank of Baroda gives a grander service.. without any young idiots thinking they got it made with a job in a private bank.

Sunday, June 22, 2008

Gujjars, Gurkhas, Sikhs.. and others on the NH

In the good old days, only thing holding up traffic on the National Highways were half finished stretches of road or accidents. Things have come a long way now. Most NHs are completed upto nearly 75% of the way. So they are repairing the completed part all the time.... Thats is because it happens only in India.

I am not sure who started it.. to my memory it could have been the Gujjars but may be somebody else did it first... Now every protester knows that for best results, you blockade the city / state's life line... the National Highway and railway tracks. New Delhi, Maharastra, Sikkim.. Funny thing to note about Sikkim. This state is cut off from the rest of the country thanks to the Gurkha protests in the neighbouring state. The only outsiders to visit Sikkim this week were the Chinese troops. In today's succession ridden India, it is good to note that the people of Sikkim were not happy with their visitors.

There are many contributing factors to this broadside against civil society. I wont chorus with the media to say there is a lack of political will. That refers to passing of legislative bills. It is a lack of leadership. We have no leaders who will stand by their decisions. Everyone talks about the qualifications of our Prime Minister. Yeah, we are proud to have him.. But then aren't our bureaucrats qualified. Why do we need to elect a leader if qualification is all that it takes to run a country like India? In an interview about Indira Gandhi, Field Marshall Sam Manekshaw recalled the Prime Minister asking him to help the rebels in East Pakistan (Bangladesh). When he told her that it could lead to a war.. "if it is war, it is war" was her reply.

Strong leadership is lacking in the country. No imagination, no new ideas and as a result the nation is adrift. Every protester, every political denomination, anyone with a grouse can bring the country to a standstill. The prices would have surely risen this week in Mumbai. There is no one to put a stop to it. Our Ministers are in Saudi Arabia and Australia. The only people to get a raise in their salary this year were the bureaucrats.

Thankfully, Karnataka is bandh free for a couple of months now (touch wood)... but my petrol is taxed more than the national average... May be I should pitch a tent on the national highway too!!

Saturday, June 21, 2008

The Women of Toon town

I was looking up possible names for my blog (This is my first). I was going through my past for ideas. Looked into my favourite tv series, movies, cartoons etc on the net. Came across Smurfs, which I used to love watching when I was about 7-9 years old. I was living in the Middle East then. The series came in the afternoons and was dubbed into Arabic. I did not understand Arabic but understood the cartoon. It got me thinking of one of my favourite characters - Smurfette. I have not thought about her for over 2 decades!

She was terrific. Readers who don't know me and the idiots I know, kindly understand that this is not anything perverted. She was nice, cute and perfect for a little boy.

There have been others since.. ofcourse. Richie Rich's girlfriend Gloria Glad,
Jane Jetson (I know most guys I know, would have picked Judy but she is an airhead), and the squirrel from Walt Disney's Sword in the Stone.

I do have my favourites from my comics. It is a tie on top with Mary Jane (Spiderman) and Betty (Archie). Others include Midge (Archie again), Jane (Tarzan).. in some versions and Diana (Phantom).

Japanese cartoons never did grow on me. Anyway, by the time Hentai came into the picture.. I knew "what went where" and real women who filled their dresses were the way to go.

I wish I could have picked a different start to my blog. But this is me.. Thanks for stopping by.