This is actually a review of a movie. The second one back to back. I just wanted to pick out one of the best scenes from another great movie "Gattaca". There is a scene in it that I have watched over and over again. The scene contains the theme and the heart of this really good flick.
How far would you be willing to go to achieve you dreams? How much of yourself are you willing to loose?
Movie is set in a future of designer babies. Every child is an offspring of what is best in each of his parents. Genetically transmitted diseases such as heart problems, diabetes etc are non-existent. Further, the state is able to use the genetic information to decide who would be better sportsman, a scientist or an astronaut. Into this mix is our hero Vincent, who is not genetically designed and is born with a weak heart. His dream is to go to space. But this is impossible. The state would not allow him to enter into the space program with his weak heart. His brother, correct in every genetic sense makes it to be a policeman. Vincent runs away from home to fulfill his dream. He gets help from another would be astronaut, who is confined to his wheel chair as a result of an accident. Together, they pull an impersonation so that Vincent can enter the space program. Story continues, the deadline for the launch approaches. There is a murder at the space center. The brother comes to investigate and catches the murderer. But there is one person, he has not been able to interview throughout his investigation, who has avoided him - Vincent.
The brothers meet. The policeman understands the fraud that Vincent is pulling. The two argue. Vincent tells him that he is no less of a man because of his genetic makeup. Vincent reminds his brother of the day when he had to rescue him during a swimming contest. The dare was to see who can swim out the farthest before turning back. Vincent had always lost, except for that last time. He won and also had to rescue his brother. It was after this incident that Vincent left home.
The two decide on a rematch. Once more they swim way out to the sea. Vincent is not stopping and keeps going further. His brother is exhausted and unable to swim more.
"Vincent, Vincent, where is the shore? We are too far out"
"You want to quit?"
"We are too far out!!"
"You want to quit?"
"Vincent. How are you doing this? How have you done any of this?!"
"You want to know how I am doing it? This is how I did it. I never saved anything for the swim back!!"
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