Sunday, April 26, 2009

Netbeans Vs Eclipse

I am new to both. I started a month or so ago. And no, I have not tried JBoss or other IDEs out there.

My two cents says, Netbeans miles away from Eclipse.I may be wrong. Eclipse may be great. You will find many developers swearing on Eclipse. I was introduced to Eclipse in college. Trouble began with trying to configure eclipse with Tomcat, setting classpath etc. Every forum I visited raised more questions than gave answers. Netbeans 6.5 comes with Tomcat, MySQL JDBC driver, glassfish v2 and v3, facilitates numerous frameworks including JSF, Hibernate etc. It took me 3 weeks to configure eclipse. It took me a day to write my first web application on netbeans.

In netbeans, you can easily navigate your project, add libraries. Netbeans tutorials help you get started with your project quickly. You can access your database, application servers directly on netbeans.

Do I really believe I am wrong about netbeans? I think not!!

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