Friday, October 24, 2008

The funky Bangalore Weather

Bangalore can be so cold that you need a sweater, so warm that you need to be in a sweat shirt and so wet that you come home drenched.... all in the same day. I have taken to looking up satellite photos on to figure out what to expect these days.

Some of my readers (or reader.. he happens to be my best friend) may think I blogged about the weather because there is nothing else to talk about.. kind of like "so how about the weather these days". NOT TRUE!! Not totally anyway. I had been subjected to repeated bouts of headaches and sniffles. I have been totally drenched thrice this week. I have good reason to blog!!!

Here is a good remedy that worked the last time to ward of headache. I had a shot of tequila (at 6pm) when I reached home drenched.


Alan Kaula said...

Hey how does drinking help??

Marvin Grey said...

You plugged your two comments in the wrong sections. Who said I drink because I need help? I never drink when I need help or am down. Thats the time I need my senses to work on high gear. Drinks... They taste good. Adding a little Gin in you sprite is like spice in your food and so on... :)